Monument to the Indomitable Soldiers of Freedom and Independence (WiN) Puławy District who died in battle with the Security Office (UB) and the Internal Security Corps (KBW) on February 17, 1947
On February 17, 1947, in Niezabitów, a sabotage team commanded by Feliks Lewandowski alias "Zimny", a member of the staff of the Freedom and Independence Association (WiN) of the Puławy District, which also included Władysław Gębka alias "Bokser" and Czesław Gryta alias "Szpak" was confronted by an operation group consisting of two officers of the District Public Security Office from Puławy and 40 soldiers of the Internal Security Corps (KBW).
During the fighting, three WiN soldiers died. Their bodies rest in the A/II/66 section of the cemetery on Piaskowa Street in Pulawy. Some of the soil from their grave was moved to the place where they gave their lives. Now they are symbolically commemorated with a monument
During the National Independence Day on November 11, 2019, a ceremony of unveiling and consecrating the Monument to the Indomitable Soldiers of WiN took place in Niezabitów. The event was initiated by the "Past - Future" Association. The ceremony began with a Holy Mass in the chapel of St. Peter and Paul in Niezabitów. Then the invited guests gave occasional speech in fron of the monument, paying tribute to the Indomitable Soldiers: Feliks Lewandowski "Zimny", Władysław Gębka "Bokser", Czesław Gryta "Szpak" and Wiktoria Nastaj. The ceremony ended with the transfer of the monument to the care of the Ewa Szelburg-Zarembina Primary School in Niezabitów.